Tuesday 21 February 2012

Fuel Conservation

With forecasters predicting a rise to $200 per barrel of crude oil flying for the average person could soon become an unaffordable luxury.

oil at $200 a barrel human ingenuity and alternatives

Are you an operator operating to JAR/EU-OPS or variants thereof ? Then various techniques exist where operators can take full advantage of the fuel allowances and reserves that are available to you. 
In accordance with detailed risk analyses large savings are achievable. Want to know more ? Contact me or leave a comment and I will get back to you.

Iran Manipulation of Oil Supplies Poses a Serious Threat to Aviation

iran energy feud could spell $150 per barrel

Fuel surcharging will make the passenger pay for extremist politics Iranian style. Airlines that resist fuel surcharging will feel the pinch and may not survive if the price hike is protracted.

50 Years today Since the First American was Launched into Space

Congratulations to John Glen

UN Inspectors Unable to Visit Iranian Nuclear Site

The latest from the mad leaders of Iran.
A military attack on Iran must be a high probability and should this happen Iranian airspace will become a no fly zone and Iranian retaliatory actions on the Gulf States will also have a massive affect on aviation especially flying operations between Europe and the Persian Gulf. Iraq is likely to become overloaded as traffic detours to avoid Iran.
Operators need to start contingency planning now to ensure business continuity.